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What does CBD stands for?
CBD is simply short for “cannabidiol”, the second-most abundant cannabinoid molecule produced by the cannabis or hemp plant. The most abundant molecule, of course, being THC: the psychoactive chemical famous for making users feel “high” (CBD does not have this effect). Keep in mind that your body already has an endocannabinoid system, an extremely important molecular system that your body uses to regulate and perform various critical functions. CBD binds to receptors in this system; our bodies were designed to interface with cannabinoids from the very beginning -- we even naturally produce them!
How does CBD work?
As we stated earlier, your body already has a wildly complex endocannabinoid system that affects several different areas and functions. That system is rife with “receptors,” sites that await cannabinoid molecules presence. When the cannabinoid nears, the receptor will bind it to itself, creating a sophisticated chemical interaction that modern science is only just beginning to scratch the surface of understanding. Unlike its sister molecule THC, CBD does not make you feel high -- but don’t think that a lack of psychoactive or intoxicating effect means that nothing is occurring. On the contrary, it’s very clear that there are many chemical responses that occur when CBD binds to those cannabinoid receptors. That being said, the endocannabinoid system is ubiquitous in the human body, affecting nearly all major functions in some way (especially homeostatic regulation).
CBD Benefits
The truth is, we’re only just beginning to understand the full range of potential that CBD may possess as a therapeutic agent. However, current research and reasons why people use CBD revolve around potential Anti-psychotic effects, Nausea relief, Improved Cardiovascular Health, Anti-Anxiety, Pain relief, Anti-Inflammatory, skin antioxidant and lower incidence of diabetes, and more.
Cannabidiol (CBD) Facts
Comes from hemp or cannabis plants.
CBD does not get you “high” (non-psychoactive).
Potential medical applications.
CBD is legal to buy and own in all 50 states.